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I've recently earned my drone certification, and it's been an incredible learning experience. I've gained valuable insights into the myriad benefits of drones and the proper techniques for operating them. What truly excites me is the newfound ability to capture breathtaking photos from entirely unique perspectives, providing a fresh and exhilarating viewpoint that adds a whole new dimension to my photography.

Farmland (Green Bay, WI)


Flying drones over farmland offers a game-changing perspective for agriculture and land management. Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors can capture detailed aerial imagery, helping farmers make informed decisions about crop health, irrigation, and soil quality. These aerial views can reveal potential issues, such as pest infestations or nutrient deficiencies, before they become severe, allowing for proactive intervention. Drones also assist in optimizing the use of resources, minimizing environmental impact, and ultimately contributing to more efficient and sustainable farming practices.

Lake Michigan

Flying a drone to capture images of Lake Michigan provides a stunning opportunity to showcase the natural beauty of this iconic freshwater lake. Aerial photography allows for breathtaking shots of the lake's vast expanse, crystal-clear waters, and picturesque shoreline. These images can capture the changing moods of the lake, from serene sunsets to dramatic storms, and offer a unique perspective that highlights the grandeur of this Great Lake. Additionally, drone photography allows for the exploration of hidden gems along the coastline and the documentation of its ever-evolving landscape, making it an ideal tool for both nature enthusiasts and professional photographers.


Drone Videos

Drone video is a dynamic and immersive form of visual storytelling that utilizes unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to capture footage from unique and often breathtaking perspectives. By mounting cameras on drones, one can record stunning aerial views of landscapes, events, and activities, offering viewers a fresh and exciting vantage point. Whether it's showcasing scenic vistas, documenting outdoor adventures, or providing a new dimension to events, drone videos create a captivating and cinematic experience that's both visually striking and emotionally engaging.

© Andrea Galloway 2023

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